Why is embodiment important?

Human beings are often said to be the most complex phenomena in the known universe (conventionally). Therefore it would be impossible to come up with an adequate analogy for why embodiment is so important for us. That being said, I’d like to offer an overly-simplistic analogy just to get us started, based on the idea … Read more

What does it mean to be embodied?

Usually when the word embodied is used without specifying what is being embodied, the assumption is that the body itself is being embodied. But what does that mean? And what if they are specifying embodying something? And how does that differ from being fully embodied? Let’s explore… First off, there is a difference between the … Read more

What is Embodiment?

In the contexts of mental health, personal wellbeing, self-improvement, and  perhaps spiritual growth, embodiment is a skill. It can be learned and improved upon with awareness, and it can only happen in the present moment. Embodiment can be further broken down into three skills. “Embodiment… is the ability to sense, accept, and express the various … Read more